Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Old Memories

Driving in the car this afternoon on the way from a good friends house (HAPPY BIRTHDAY DENISE!! I hope you enjoyed your cupcakes!) to take Lisa and Fernando to a visit with their grandma an old song came on the radio.

It was Bobby Brown's : Don't be Cruel

That song has many memories for me. I think I was 14, in Ninth Grade and thinking that I was gods gift to the earth(Man I was so full of myself back then!). I remember my best friend at the time: Christine.

We were at her house for lunch (I'm not quite sure why this is such a vivid memory for me...) listening to a Bobby Brown CD. Now back then in 1989, at least I think that was the year, not many people had CD players. I recall being amazed that you didn't have to fast forward to the next song. I remember sitting on the couch in the living room(the couch was blue I think) and playing the same song over and over again. It was driving Christine crazy! I think the song was Rock wit' cha. Over and over again. Then is when the madness began. I did something so stupid... I won't post it because still to this day I am highly embarrassed at what a jerk I was. So, Christine, if you are reading this. I still remember and I am sorry. It is almost 20 years later!! I would be very upset if one of my kids did that.

No more details. I wonder is Christine remembers this day too??!! Let me know!!!

Parker had his last OT appointment today. His therapist actually pulled out his loose tooth for him. Who knew she was a dentist too! I get very squeamish about that sort of stuff. Parker cried and then got a special prize, so he was happy.

6 more days until Parker is in first grade... I better bring the tissue with me to school! All the kids are going to a "Try Hockey" program this weekend. It should be fun.


ladycrue said...

Hey Jane

I totally don`t remember what happened next, but am very curious now!
Whatever it was, obviously all was forgiven and forgotten, for me not to remember now.
everybody did things they regret 20 years ago I`m pretty sure. So please SPILL IT !!
(Christine back then)

Anonymous said...

Since Christine gives you the go ahead - spill it! = )

ladycrue said...

I remember that now!!

ur so cute to feel bad still about that.

who doesn`t want to break a Bobby Brown CD ;)