Saturday, August 23, 2008

Our Day at Heritage Square

Parker and his good friend Ethan.

Parker and Owen on the flying bananas

Owen and I on the carousel. He was very upset that I had to ride with him "I am a big kid".

Owen on the go kart.

The Trevino and Johnson boys watching the magic show

You have to click on this picture to make it bigger and check out Owen's face! Priceless!

After completing the summer reading program at the library this summer, all the kids received free passes to Heritage Square. We haven't been able to go all summer... well that is not totally true. It has been so HOT I have been making excuses not to go all summer. Lisa and Fernando were on a visit with mom today. We just received a new placement, Theo, who just turned 10, so we decided to go. It was nice to run into the Johnson family! Parker was so happy to see Ethan and ride some of the rides with him. Parker never did ride any of the "big kid rides". He is still too scared! We saw a really cool magic show, saw some ponies (Owen wasn't scared!!) and rode the go karts. It was nice and cool. It started to rain at about 3:30, which was a perfect excuse to leave.

Now that we are home I should go to the grocery store. It is my least favorite thing to do, I think it ranks somewhere between laundry and folding laundry! James and I decided that I would make the list and he would go shopping. After I gave him the list he actually had the nerve to ask me to sort it by aisle. That would make his job a whole lot easier. Ya right! I would be here until 10pm trying to do that. He has very high expectations, but sorry, it won't be happening!

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