Monday, August 18, 2008

Semi-Pro: No way!

I thought Sunday night would be a great time for James and I to watch a movie. Now, normally he says I am a "man" with the remote. I just like to be in control. I usually pick what to watch on TV. I know this drives him crazy, so I decided to pick out a movie I thought James would like. I order Semi-Pro from Blockbuster. What a great wife I am. I picked out a stupid, funny movie for both my husband and myself to enjoy while the kids were sleeping! Sounds like the perfect evening. Here is how it went:

I put the movie in. We made some snacks and sat down on the couch. The movie started. James was laughing... I was thinking.. "This has to get better". So I sat there, for about 15 minutes. James chucking here and there. He let me know that this was a really funny movie. I was not impressed. I got up to get a drink. I worked my way over to the computer. James still sat on the couch laughing. I would look over occasionally hoping that I would find something amusing.... NOPE! Then I looked at my pile of mail and noticed we got another movie. Now I was thinking to myself how do I get out of this horrible event. I got another drink, made some crackers and cheese. I could have made the right choice and been a "good wife" but no... I said I'm bailing and went upstairs to watch my movie. For those of you who all had to sit through the movie Semi-Pro, I'm so sorry, you are better than me! I would much rather go see the Star Wars: The Clone Wars again with Parker (and that was really boring!!!)

Owen and I had a fun day today. We picked up his backpack he forgot at school, stopped by to see Grandpa, went to get his hair fixed (they told me that the other place cut huge holes in so we will have to wait for his hair to grow back to fix the rest), then went to the mall to return some things and look around. We went to Flatirons. They have this really cute kids play place. Owen had fun! Parker is going for a full OT/PT evaluations at Children's hospital tomorrow. It will be interesting to see how far he has come over the summer. He had a lot of goals this summer and accomplished all of them except for the monkey bars. I think they will come with time. He is now able to ride his two wheeler, tie his shoes, do the buttons on his shirts or pants, skip, pump on a swing, and skate. We had an amazing summer with the help from his OT Mary! She was such a blessing to us! Parker is starting baseball in a week. It is a short 6 weeks session, so it should give us an idea on if he likes it or not.

James is gone until late Wednesday night. Now that is partner has left, he has to go out of town so much more than usual. It is hard on the family. The one night trips aren't bad, but when you have more than one night the kids seem to sense it and act up a bit. The joys of being a stay at home mom. Owen was asking me today about his teacher. He asked me where she was because he wanted to see her. I responded by telling him that she is working. He seemed very confused. He looked at me with his hands up and said "But she isn't a daddy. Only Daddies work". Now I am on a mission to not have a sexist child and I point out EVERY woman that is working. These boys don't know how lucky they are to have a mom that stays at home.

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