Thursday, August 28, 2008

This, That, and the Other

Things are going well around here. School has been in session for about 3 weeks now and the routine is starting to settle in for all the kids. James and I are starting to spend more time together, with just the two of us. It has been very nice. This will sound weird, but now I remember who I fell in love with many years ago. At times I feel you get lost in life, children, and busy schedules. I am now beginning to see that taking a little time, will go a long way into making things run smoothly. I am amazed at how long we have been married. I never thought I would want to be with anyone for so long, having long relationships in the past and myself getting VERY bored with them. It is always a surprise living with James and nothing is ever the same. I appreciate him more and more everyday! (A nice way to say thank you James for staying up late last night and completing all of the training classes we needed, it was nice of you to let me sleep!!!!)

I knew mentioning my bout with insomnia would bring it back. The last 2 nights have haven't been able to sleep. I won't mention it again. hopefully it will go away.

Owen and Parker got new hockey jersey's from Grandma in the mail. They wanted to put their names on the back. Parker wanted "Trevino" which is the norm I would assume, but Owen refused. I tried to talk him into Trevino, no luck. I tried to talk him into O-Man, no luck. He was set on "O" just the letter "O". I do call him O a lot, as do most of the people around him. I just thought it would look so funny on his jersey. When we took him over to Sportline even the lady tried to get him to write something else. No luck! So, O it was. We added quotation marks to make it more than a big O.... the big O. It was funny. It actually looks really cute, and tells a lot of his personality. As for the jersey.... please friends understand this was all Grandma... it is a Leafs Jersey. I've got to know at least one Leafs fan out there right?? It reminds me of the Adam Sandler song every time I see him wear it. The one where he is bashing The Sens. ha ha!

Karate is over, baseball starts next week as do swimming lessons. I have been going to the Y more this week. Owen has been packing his lunch and having fun with all his friends in child watch. Parker baked Brady and Brandon cookies a month ago, and they actually remembered to give me the Tupperware back! Thanks Brady! I am glad you enjoyed the cookies. It nice to know so many people at the Y. It feels like a family away from home! Parker loves to bake, it is to bad I can't cook anything very well. Do frozen burritos in the microwave count as cooking???

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