Monday, August 25, 2008

Always Listen to the Parents

I am getting my baby fix now. I have little Garin, who is about 8 months old now. It is amazing that this little boy can already pull himself up. He will be walking soon. I am watching him for a few hours each day while Kalina works over at the school. He is a joy! Lots of smiles and drool! It is nice to have a baby around again. It makes me sad thinking how big Owen in getting. I have had a hard time getting Garin to take a nap. I tried so many things, some of which worked, most which didn't. Kalina told me to just lay him across my legs while I am sitting at the computer. I didn't think that would work, man was I wrong! You can tell you spend most of your time working at home Kalina. This little boy is out. Now, I am sitting here at the computer trying to figure out how to spend my time. I should have listened to you in the first place, it would have saved me a lot of time!

We had a nice relaxing weekend. I probably should have been doing laundry, but that never happened. Our new foster son is fitting in nicely. We will know more on Tuesday concerning length of stay etc. Him and Parker are getting along very well.

Owen had another meltdown on the way to school today. We have to drive by the Apex, where he skates, to get Parker to school and to go to Happy Valley. He was so angry that we couldn't go skating, in his words "NOW". I am not sure how long this skating obsession will last. I could do without the screaming fits! My mother seems to think it is funny. Maybe when he is 20 I will look back and laugh.

I am starting back into my work out routine at the YMCA. I really have been needing this for quite sometime now. I have been taking the Juice Plus for almost a month now. I have dropped 10 pounds and now none of my shorts fit without a belt anymore. I am slowly on my way to where I want to be. If anyone wants to go on a bike ride or roller blade in the evening let me know. I ran into an old friend last night at the Park with Owen. It was nice to see you again Katie! It has been awhile. Sorry I was all sweaty and gross. Owen had fun riding as fast as we could the two miles to the park. That extra 45 pounds could be felt with every pedal.

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