Saturday, August 16, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

It drives James nuts! I see people just hanging around enjoying themselves and I wonder how they have time to do that??!!??
Now, those of you who know me well, realize that I have to stay busy (ALL THE TIME). I swear I would be ADHD by today's medical standards. It drives me nuts that James could just sit and hang out for hours at a time. I need a plan of action. I suppose that is why we balance each other so well. He pulls me back, when I need to be pulled back. I push him forward, when he needs to be pushed forward. It works well! It will be 10 years on Thusday. I never imagined I would be with anyone for so long!

Owen went to his open house today at Happy Valley. He met his teachers and some new friends. He was very happy to see Ellah and Ethan there. I can see it being a great year at preschool. He was having so much fun he didn't want to leave. I remember when Parker started... he didn't want to leave my side. I still find myself asking the question: How did I have two such different children?

Parker is almost done with karate. He has decided to take a break and try something different. He went this morning to his last sparring class. He had fun... but he never really went into details about why he had a huge red mark on his face. He must have been hit hard! He is enjoying first grade and seems to love the recess.

On the way home from lunch, Sweet Tomatoes (yummy!), I was just listening to the boys in the car talking about stinky feet. "Do you want to smell my feet?" the other would reply "Your feet stink"... blah blah... Then Owen proceeded to take off his boots and ask people to smell them. Of course James jumps in smelling Owen's rain boots. It was then that I thought to myself.... I live in a house full of gross boys! I know it was apparent before.... BUT Owen was just a little guy. Now he is obsessed with being a "Stinky Hockey Player". What is it with boys and being gross and boogers and poop? It really doesn't end when they grow up. James was smelling the boot in the car and laughing....

I think I need some girl time. Anyone up for a good dinner and a movie???

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