Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Squeak Squeak

I did something so funny last night. James was mad, but isn't he always.He always gives me such a hard time about everything. I was laughing so hard I almost peed my pants. I am still chuckling now. Sorry James.... it was hilarious!

Lola, (our very tiny full grown cat) was in a very frisky mood last night. She was running around the house like crazy. We then discovered that there was a moth in the house she was chasing. It was very amusing to watch her run around and around. We then went upstairs to put the kids to bed, brushed their teeth and tucked them in. James and I got dressed for bed, well I got in my jammies and James just gets down to his boxers. He fell asleep pretty quickly. Luckily my bout with insomnia has passed (knock on wood), so I was getting sleepy too. All of a sudden Lola jumps on the bed, like a total freak, jumping all around. Now, I know this is mean, but I had to do it! James needed to get to work early the next day, I think he needed to leave by 5:30 or something, but I wasn't thinking about that. When opportunity knocks to drive my husband crazy, I take it! SO I started screaming "Lola is chasing a mouse, there's a mouse on the bed". James jumped out of bed so fast, he is terrified of mice, kind of like the elephant and the mouse syndrome! He was scratching his body, like it had ran across him and jumping around, yelling: "where, where". I couldn't stop laughing. I am laughing now! When he finally woke up and realize what I did, boy was I in trouble. I still couldn't stop laughing. I am laughing now just writing this. Priceless! I haven't had an opportunity like that since I hid behind the trailer when he was looking for the raccoons, and I jumped up and scared him. Although, that time I was lucky I didn't get hit. He was waving his fists all through the air!

Good times! Sorry James! I hope you aren't too tired today!

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