Monday, August 11, 2008

What a busy weekend!

This was our last weekend before school starts. James called in sick on Friday so we got to hang out a little and have some fun. Parker, Owen and I went swimming in the morning with Lisa and the boys. Thanks for the great morning! It was so much fun. I loved hearing all about the new house (very jealous of the private lake!!!). That night we went to the family night at the YMCA. The kids all got to make their own ice cream sundaes, jump in the bounce house, get some fun face painting and toss water balloons! We went skating afterwards with all the kids from the party. It was a lot of fun!

On Saturday we bought the rest of the much needed school supplies. Parker had karate in the morning and Lisa and Fernando were on a visit with their mom. We were planning on taking Owen to Stick and Puck at the YMCA. I was told that it would be really calm and just parents and kids on the ice. Parker and I were planning to shoot hoops in the gym until he begged for some hockey equipment so he could play on the ice too. We caved (AGAIN!!) and got him some gear. It was WAY more fun with him out there anyways. James was pissed when he got there. I guess 25 teenagers or so decided that it was their time for a drop in game. Pucks were flying... It was crazy out there. I didn't even want to sit in the stands, it wasn't safe!!! Owen and Parker didn't even care. They went out on the ice and had fun shooting the puck in net. James was giving me the "your going to pay for this" look. It all turned out okay though, no one was hurt!

Sunday we found out that our hot water heater had been leaking. Everything under the stairs was soaked, and even the carpet in the rec room was a bit wet. We spent most of the day cleaning and trying to get things back to normal! Then it was off to skating lessons and the Try Hockey! Owen was so happy to see his skating teacher. He was talking about her all night long! What a special talent that woman has! I go crazy trying to teach that little boy anything. She makes it look so easy.

I am tired! School starts tomorrow. I am still feeling teary about Parker starting school full day. I am sure he will be fine. He got a post card from his teacher in the mail. He was so excited to read it. He has Ms Douglass. I hope it is going to be a great school year! We have the ice cream social tonight!

I also finally caved and bought a new battery charger for my camera. I never did find the other one. I probably will find it, now that I bought one though =(

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