Sunday, August 31, 2008

Awesome Weekend... and it isn't over yet!

The only way we can keep Owen calm.... just kidding We were playing cowboys!!!

It is just like roping cattle!!!

Owen getting ready for bowling

Parker is really getting good... he beat me!

Owen wanted to go chase his ball down the alley!

This has been such a nice weekend. It makes me appreciate good friends (Thanks for you help Rachel! ), family, my husband and our neighbors. James has been pretty stressed at work, being that he has been doing the work of two people for weeks now. We have had nothing going on lately and to be honest, it has been nice. Things have been so chill and relaxed. Next week will be crazy again, but we will worry about that later.

On Friday we all just hung out and watch movies. It was nice. Denise and I got a free moment to go and get our nails done. It was nice to chat and sit without husbands and children running around! We have both been so busy lately. I am awaiting the coming of October!! HA HA!!

On Saturday we just stayed around the house for most of the day. It was calm and relaxing, although Max did puke on the floor upstairs and we finally today got the smell out. The one thing I hate about my newfs is their gross drool, but first and foremost is their sensitive stomachs. Thanks mom for the cleaning tips. It worked and now our house doesn't smell as bad as yesterday. In the evening, I dropped Parker and Owen off at the rink for their skating lesson. Tracy agreed to stay with them at the rink and then take them to dinner before bringing them back home for us. James and I were going out for the night. She took them to Dairy Queen, which is a luxury for them lately since I have become the food Nazi around here, and then to buy some cool bug stuff to play with at home. As always, I am a little paranoid with the boys getting in a car with someone I don't know very well, but it was great. Sometimes I just need to let my guard down a little! She was great with the boys and they had an awesome time and they have talked about it all day long.

James and I had a blast! We went to Red Robin... YUM! I could live on their strawberry lemonade if I had too! Then went bowling... man does that go by quickly when you have no children with you! The highlight.... I actually beat James in bowling. I suck at bowling, especially ten pin bowling! So, I won the bet and got to sleep on on Sunday!!! THEN, I was asked for ID. I can't believe that they thought I looked under 21. It felt awesome! I was feeling like I was in college again. There is no need to mention that they asked everyone for ID, even the elderly couple....
Then we went to the comedy show. It was funny, full of good catholic jokes, which brought back memories of the good old days in Catholic school back in Canada. Memories....

Today was just as relaxed as the day before. We decided to take the kids bowling. It took us longer to bowl one game with them as it took us to bowl three. Owen likes to throw his balls overhand.... which you can imagine what that sounds like. His balls went so slow at times the bowling staff had to come and rescue them. Owen thought it was funny!

I hope tomorrow brings us more calming times. James starts his new lovely schedule (this is me trying to be positive about his CRAPPY schedule) of being out of town on and off for the next three weeks.

Let's see if I can keep up my Miss Susie Sunshine routine now......

Oh and I found Brady and Brandon's surprise for me today stuffed in the Tupperware! It is almost a week later that I opened the bag.... THANKS GUYS!!! Parker and Owen were THRILLED!!! It is a good thing I brought them in from the car on Monday, otherwise we would have had a huge mess!

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