Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The First Day of School

It is very quiet here today. Asia, Lisa and Fernando left early this morning for the first day of school. James went into work late so that he could take Parker to school with me. It is his first day of all day at school. I can't believe he is already in first grade. It seems like yesterday he was my little baby... He seemed a bit nervous but excited to see old friends and his new teacher Ms Douglass. We packed him a lunch, but I never did find out if he needed a snack or not. Owen wanted to take his new backpack with him too. He is still at his pre-pre-school program until Thursday. Next week he will start Happy Valley and be in the peanut classroom.

It is very calming to get back to our usual routine. I went grocery shopping without any kids YEAH!! I have some cleaning time now to get the house back to the way it should be. When the kids are home they leave stuff EVERYWHERE, it drives me nuts!

Parker looking at his desk. He was so excited that it was all his own! This was on back to school night at the ice cream social.

The boys on the walk to the classroom. I get one of these shots every year. That way I will be able to see how tall they are getting compared to James.

Parker trying to look cool. His friend Jackson is right next to him.

Parker on his walk into the classroom for the first time. That is his teacher Ms Douglass. It is a Darth Vader backpack.... as I recall he had one of those last year too! What is it with boys and Star Wars??

UPDATE: Parker had an AWESOME day! He came home laughing and smiling. It was nice to see (what was I so stressed about??). He used to have this friend, when he was 3, in preschool named Marina. He used to say she was his girl friend and that he wanted to marry her. Well, now she is in his class. We haven't seen her in 3 years!! Also, Brianna, a friend from karate, now attends his school. He was VERY happy to see her, and I think she was happy to see him, since she is new to the school it always helps to see a familiar face!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love when you take those pics of James walking them to school. I don't know how much longer they will let you do that. They are becoming big boys. Where does the time go?

I am so glad Parker had a good first day. There is nothing worse than hating school. Been there, done that - several times. Always hated to be the new kid.

So now you have the house to yourself for a couple of hours. It must be so quiet.

I'm taking in that sort of stuff now while I can. But I am excited for Gabe to go back to school so my house isn't as messy too. =)