Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A day for the Dentist

It seems like all I did today was go to the dentist. I went early this morning. Grandpa watched Owen. Owen is not usually allowed to ride his bike to the park. He can't use his brakes very well and it always turns into many scraped knees and elbows. He convinced grandpa to ride about 1 mile, almost all the way to Ward Road on the bike path. Poor grandpa was running after him, he pedals fast. That little boy has way to much energy!

I went to pick Parker up from school, then we took him to the dentist. His 6 years molars are coming in now and he has 2 more loose teeth. He was very happy. He knows the tooth fairy pays well! Smart boy. He was wiggling his teeth all the way home. Maybe he will loose his top two before Christmas. Then we can sing him the song... "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth"

James is still out of town. I am growing tired of it. I guess I shouldn't complain too much. He told me he is more than willing to take his job back. By that he means his job as a stay at home dad. He used to stay home with Parker when he was a baby. That was way back when I worked out at Fort Logan for the State of Colorado. He said the door is always open for me to go back to work and for him to stay home. The same condition goes if I wanted to have another baby. He gets to stay home and I have to go back to work. That will NOT be happening! No more babies in my future. Well... maybe there might be!

I get to watch my good friends Kalina's baby, Garin, for a few hours each day! I love that little boy. So, I will get my baby fix, then get to send him back home. Life couldn't be more perfect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you can move back home and take care of my baby. = )

I think if I could stay home until they started school I would. But I don't see that happening in our future.