Sunday, August 31, 2008

Awesome Weekend... and it isn't over yet!

The only way we can keep Owen calm.... just kidding We were playing cowboys!!!

It is just like roping cattle!!!

Owen getting ready for bowling

Parker is really getting good... he beat me!

Owen wanted to go chase his ball down the alley!

This has been such a nice weekend. It makes me appreciate good friends (Thanks for you help Rachel! ), family, my husband and our neighbors. James has been pretty stressed at work, being that he has been doing the work of two people for weeks now. We have had nothing going on lately and to be honest, it has been nice. Things have been so chill and relaxed. Next week will be crazy again, but we will worry about that later.

On Friday we all just hung out and watch movies. It was nice. Denise and I got a free moment to go and get our nails done. It was nice to chat and sit without husbands and children running around! We have both been so busy lately. I am awaiting the coming of October!! HA HA!!

On Saturday we just stayed around the house for most of the day. It was calm and relaxing, although Max did puke on the floor upstairs and we finally today got the smell out. The one thing I hate about my newfs is their gross drool, but first and foremost is their sensitive stomachs. Thanks mom for the cleaning tips. It worked and now our house doesn't smell as bad as yesterday. In the evening, I dropped Parker and Owen off at the rink for their skating lesson. Tracy agreed to stay with them at the rink and then take them to dinner before bringing them back home for us. James and I were going out for the night. She took them to Dairy Queen, which is a luxury for them lately since I have become the food Nazi around here, and then to buy some cool bug stuff to play with at home. As always, I am a little paranoid with the boys getting in a car with someone I don't know very well, but it was great. Sometimes I just need to let my guard down a little! She was great with the boys and they had an awesome time and they have talked about it all day long.

James and I had a blast! We went to Red Robin... YUM! I could live on their strawberry lemonade if I had too! Then went bowling... man does that go by quickly when you have no children with you! The highlight.... I actually beat James in bowling. I suck at bowling, especially ten pin bowling! So, I won the bet and got to sleep on on Sunday!!! THEN, I was asked for ID. I can't believe that they thought I looked under 21. It felt awesome! I was feeling like I was in college again. There is no need to mention that they asked everyone for ID, even the elderly couple....
Then we went to the comedy show. It was funny, full of good catholic jokes, which brought back memories of the good old days in Catholic school back in Canada. Memories....

Today was just as relaxed as the day before. We decided to take the kids bowling. It took us longer to bowl one game with them as it took us to bowl three. Owen likes to throw his balls overhand.... which you can imagine what that sounds like. His balls went so slow at times the bowling staff had to come and rescue them. Owen thought it was funny!

I hope tomorrow brings us more calming times. James starts his new lovely schedule (this is me trying to be positive about his CRAPPY schedule) of being out of town on and off for the next three weeks.

Let's see if I can keep up my Miss Susie Sunshine routine now......

Oh and I found Brady and Brandon's surprise for me today stuffed in the Tupperware! It is almost a week later that I opened the bag.... THANKS GUYS!!! Parker and Owen were THRILLED!!! It is a good thing I brought them in from the car on Monday, otherwise we would have had a huge mess!

Thursday, August 28, 2008


I have been keeping this information to myself for awhile now, but it is driving me nuts!

With being so busy running kids everywhere and being so focused on the family (no reference to the church PLEASE), myself has been lacking. I have felt grumpy and stressed. In January I made a choice to try to be nicer to people around me. Well it didn't really work out so well. I was too busy and neglected a lot of things I should have been paying more attention too. This last 2 months I have been making an effort to smile more, talk to new people, go out of my way to be nice, and being a great mom and wife. I have been enjoying this "new outlook" on life and things in general. I have always disliked those happy Miss Susie Sunshine people. Maybe, there is something to be said about them. Maybe they are just making the effort to make the world a better place?!! So, back to my effort. In the last month I have been asked for a date by 3, yes THREE, lesbians. Let me clear something up. I have gay friends, I love my gay friends, but there are certain things that I personally cannot perform. I think women rock! We are awesome people, loving, caring, compassionate and very decent people. But, I'm not gay. I love men (one man more than the rest). Now, I am going to be all over James to replace that ring that was stolen from me many years ago. Maybe I could make one out of tinfoil for now??!! Just Kidding!

Just venting. I think it is kinda funny! I saw this shirt today that I wanted to buy. I think I will pass, it might make this problem much worse than it already is. Let me know what you think! You can put your comments up on here too guys, it is much easier than the emails I get. It might save you time too!!!

This, That, and the Other

Things are going well around here. School has been in session for about 3 weeks now and the routine is starting to settle in for all the kids. James and I are starting to spend more time together, with just the two of us. It has been very nice. This will sound weird, but now I remember who I fell in love with many years ago. At times I feel you get lost in life, children, and busy schedules. I am now beginning to see that taking a little time, will go a long way into making things run smoothly. I am amazed at how long we have been married. I never thought I would want to be with anyone for so long, having long relationships in the past and myself getting VERY bored with them. It is always a surprise living with James and nothing is ever the same. I appreciate him more and more everyday! (A nice way to say thank you James for staying up late last night and completing all of the training classes we needed, it was nice of you to let me sleep!!!!)

I knew mentioning my bout with insomnia would bring it back. The last 2 nights have haven't been able to sleep. I won't mention it again. hopefully it will go away.

Owen and Parker got new hockey jersey's from Grandma in the mail. They wanted to put their names on the back. Parker wanted "Trevino" which is the norm I would assume, but Owen refused. I tried to talk him into Trevino, no luck. I tried to talk him into O-Man, no luck. He was set on "O" just the letter "O". I do call him O a lot, as do most of the people around him. I just thought it would look so funny on his jersey. When we took him over to Sportline even the lady tried to get him to write something else. No luck! So, O it was. We added quotation marks to make it more than a big O.... the big O. It was funny. It actually looks really cute, and tells a lot of his personality. As for the jersey.... please friends understand this was all Grandma... it is a Leafs Jersey. I've got to know at least one Leafs fan out there right?? It reminds me of the Adam Sandler song every time I see him wear it. The one where he is bashing The Sens. ha ha!

Karate is over, baseball starts next week as do swimming lessons. I have been going to the Y more this week. Owen has been packing his lunch and having fun with all his friends in child watch. Parker baked Brady and Brandon cookies a month ago, and they actually remembered to give me the Tupperware back! Thanks Brady! I am glad you enjoyed the cookies. It nice to know so many people at the Y. It feels like a family away from home! Parker loves to bake, it is to bad I can't cook anything very well. Do frozen burritos in the microwave count as cooking???

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Squeak Squeak

I did something so funny last night. James was mad, but isn't he always.He always gives me such a hard time about everything. I was laughing so hard I almost peed my pants. I am still chuckling now. Sorry James.... it was hilarious!

Lola, (our very tiny full grown cat) was in a very frisky mood last night. She was running around the house like crazy. We then discovered that there was a moth in the house she was chasing. It was very amusing to watch her run around and around. We then went upstairs to put the kids to bed, brushed their teeth and tucked them in. James and I got dressed for bed, well I got in my jammies and James just gets down to his boxers. He fell asleep pretty quickly. Luckily my bout with insomnia has passed (knock on wood), so I was getting sleepy too. All of a sudden Lola jumps on the bed, like a total freak, jumping all around. Now, I know this is mean, but I had to do it! James needed to get to work early the next day, I think he needed to leave by 5:30 or something, but I wasn't thinking about that. When opportunity knocks to drive my husband crazy, I take it! SO I started screaming "Lola is chasing a mouse, there's a mouse on the bed". James jumped out of bed so fast, he is terrified of mice, kind of like the elephant and the mouse syndrome! He was scratching his body, like it had ran across him and jumping around, yelling: "where, where". I couldn't stop laughing. I am laughing now! When he finally woke up and realize what I did, boy was I in trouble. I still couldn't stop laughing. I am laughing now just writing this. Priceless! I haven't had an opportunity like that since I hid behind the trailer when he was looking for the raccoons, and I jumped up and scared him. Although, that time I was lucky I didn't get hit. He was waving his fists all through the air!

Good times! Sorry James! I hope you aren't too tired today!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Always Listen to the Parents

I am getting my baby fix now. I have little Garin, who is about 8 months old now. It is amazing that this little boy can already pull himself up. He will be walking soon. I am watching him for a few hours each day while Kalina works over at the school. He is a joy! Lots of smiles and drool! It is nice to have a baby around again. It makes me sad thinking how big Owen in getting. I have had a hard time getting Garin to take a nap. I tried so many things, some of which worked, most which didn't. Kalina told me to just lay him across my legs while I am sitting at the computer. I didn't think that would work, man was I wrong! You can tell you spend most of your time working at home Kalina. This little boy is out. Now, I am sitting here at the computer trying to figure out how to spend my time. I should have listened to you in the first place, it would have saved me a lot of time!

We had a nice relaxing weekend. I probably should have been doing laundry, but that never happened. Our new foster son is fitting in nicely. We will know more on Tuesday concerning length of stay etc. Him and Parker are getting along very well.

Owen had another meltdown on the way to school today. We have to drive by the Apex, where he skates, to get Parker to school and to go to Happy Valley. He was so angry that we couldn't go skating, in his words "NOW". I am not sure how long this skating obsession will last. I could do without the screaming fits! My mother seems to think it is funny. Maybe when he is 20 I will look back and laugh.

I am starting back into my work out routine at the YMCA. I really have been needing this for quite sometime now. I have been taking the Juice Plus for almost a month now. I have dropped 10 pounds and now none of my shorts fit without a belt anymore. I am slowly on my way to where I want to be. If anyone wants to go on a bike ride or roller blade in the evening let me know. I ran into an old friend last night at the Park with Owen. It was nice to see you again Katie! It has been awhile. Sorry I was all sweaty and gross. Owen had fun riding as fast as we could the two miles to the park. That extra 45 pounds could be felt with every pedal.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Our Day at Heritage Square

Parker and his good friend Ethan.

Parker and Owen on the flying bananas

Owen and I on the carousel. He was very upset that I had to ride with him "I am a big kid".

Owen on the go kart.

The Trevino and Johnson boys watching the magic show

You have to click on this picture to make it bigger and check out Owen's face! Priceless!

After completing the summer reading program at the library this summer, all the kids received free passes to Heritage Square. We haven't been able to go all summer... well that is not totally true. It has been so HOT I have been making excuses not to go all summer. Lisa and Fernando were on a visit with mom today. We just received a new placement, Theo, who just turned 10, so we decided to go. It was nice to run into the Johnson family! Parker was so happy to see Ethan and ride some of the rides with him. Parker never did ride any of the "big kid rides". He is still too scared! We saw a really cool magic show, saw some ponies (Owen wasn't scared!!) and rode the go karts. It was nice and cool. It started to rain at about 3:30, which was a perfect excuse to leave.

Now that we are home I should go to the grocery store. It is my least favorite thing to do, I think it ranks somewhere between laundry and folding laundry! James and I decided that I would make the list and he would go shopping. After I gave him the list he actually had the nerve to ask me to sort it by aisle. That would make his job a whole lot easier. Ya right! I would be here until 10pm trying to do that. He has very high expectations, but sorry, it won't be happening!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Owen's First Day at Happy Valley & Our 10th Anniverasry

Owen at Happy Valley

Getting ready to go inside, he was so excited!

Parker helping him find his name, Parker went to Happy Valley too and was a peanut!

Owen's first art project. It was the kissing hand!

Owen and his best friend Ellah. Those two are too cute together!

Owen started Happy Valley on Wednesday. He had so much fun. He was happy to see old and new friends in his class. It seems like such a nice group of children. He is enjoying his three teachers and they seem to have a connection with him. They are fully aware of his fear of "farm" animals. Today Miss Wanda told me Owen went down to the barn to feed Oscar the sheep. That is a HUGE improvement. He actually walked past the area where the horses are too. Most of you probably don't know this but last year on field day at Parker's school he saw horses. Parker's school is nearby to many trails that can be accessed by horses. They had set up hurdles as an event in the field far west of the school. Owen was taking a turn running INTO the hurdles when he saw horses. He screamed so loud and started crying and running. It was very scary for him, personally I was giggling. This little boy would probable jump off the roof, but won't come within 10 yards of a horse. So today when he walked by the enclosure I was very proud. They took the time to help him slowly overcome his fear. We will see if he will ride the ponies next.... I wonder....

My flowers! James got off early and tired to go to 4 different stores looking for red roses. This was the closest he could find! They are so pretty.

On another note, it was James' and my 10 year anniversary. I was greeted with flowers and chocolates. What a great husband I have! I wanted to go to Vegas, but with the kids in school this early it didn't work out as I had planned. We had Tracy watch the kids for the night and we had a blast. We usually do kids night out at the YMCA once a month, but this was so much better. We weren't looking at our watch all night to make sure we were back by exactly 10. I could relax,( the last time I left them with Katie I think I called 3 times to make sure all was okay). I trusted that they were in good hands. James and I went out to dinner. I had a few to many Maragritas. The last time that happened, since I don't usually drink, was at Val and Gabe's wedding. That was a night to remember too! We then went to Dave and Buster's. That place is so much fun! We had a great time reconnecting and having fun. I don't think we talked about the kids too much! It was fun singing in the car on the way home! I was driving James crazy I'm sure. I talk a lot to begin with... and over analyze things.... and say too much when just a thank you or a quick word will do.... and talk too much... did I say that already??? I am sure that I drove Tracy crazy when we got back. Oh well.... it is what it is... Tracy reminds me so much of my good friend Kalina. If anything I hope she will just grow to accept my idiosyncrasies as most of my friends have.

I had so much fun and can't wait to do it again. Soon! Hopefully we can have a girls weekend.....??? Denise it sounded like so much fun! Let's make time! I would love to see April again too!

Let's hope it doesn't rain this weekend! Have a good one!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Pictures from Disneyland for Grandma

While James is suposed to be working out of town, he created a video of our Diseny Vacation. Enjoy mom!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A day for the Dentist

It seems like all I did today was go to the dentist. I went early this morning. Grandpa watched Owen. Owen is not usually allowed to ride his bike to the park. He can't use his brakes very well and it always turns into many scraped knees and elbows. He convinced grandpa to ride about 1 mile, almost all the way to Ward Road on the bike path. Poor grandpa was running after him, he pedals fast. That little boy has way to much energy!

I went to pick Parker up from school, then we took him to the dentist. His 6 years molars are coming in now and he has 2 more loose teeth. He was very happy. He knows the tooth fairy pays well! Smart boy. He was wiggling his teeth all the way home. Maybe he will loose his top two before Christmas. Then we can sing him the song... "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth"

James is still out of town. I am growing tired of it. I guess I shouldn't complain too much. He told me he is more than willing to take his job back. By that he means his job as a stay at home dad. He used to stay home with Parker when he was a baby. That was way back when I worked out at Fort Logan for the State of Colorado. He said the door is always open for me to go back to work and for him to stay home. The same condition goes if I wanted to have another baby. He gets to stay home and I have to go back to work. That will NOT be happening! No more babies in my future. Well... maybe there might be!

I get to watch my good friends Kalina's baby, Garin, for a few hours each day! I love that little boy. So, I will get my baby fix, then get to send him back home. Life couldn't be more perfect.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Semi-Pro: No way!

I thought Sunday night would be a great time for James and I to watch a movie. Now, normally he says I am a "man" with the remote. I just like to be in control. I usually pick what to watch on TV. I know this drives him crazy, so I decided to pick out a movie I thought James would like. I order Semi-Pro from Blockbuster. What a great wife I am. I picked out a stupid, funny movie for both my husband and myself to enjoy while the kids were sleeping! Sounds like the perfect evening. Here is how it went:

I put the movie in. We made some snacks and sat down on the couch. The movie started. James was laughing... I was thinking.. "This has to get better". So I sat there, for about 15 minutes. James chucking here and there. He let me know that this was a really funny movie. I was not impressed. I got up to get a drink. I worked my way over to the computer. James still sat on the couch laughing. I would look over occasionally hoping that I would find something amusing.... NOPE! Then I looked at my pile of mail and noticed we got another movie. Now I was thinking to myself how do I get out of this horrible event. I got another drink, made some crackers and cheese. I could have made the right choice and been a "good wife" but no... I said I'm bailing and went upstairs to watch my movie. For those of you who all had to sit through the movie Semi-Pro, I'm so sorry, you are better than me! I would much rather go see the Star Wars: The Clone Wars again with Parker (and that was really boring!!!)

Owen and I had a fun day today. We picked up his backpack he forgot at school, stopped by to see Grandpa, went to get his hair fixed (they told me that the other place cut huge holes in so we will have to wait for his hair to grow back to fix the rest), then went to the mall to return some things and look around. We went to Flatirons. They have this really cute kids play place. Owen had fun! Parker is going for a full OT/PT evaluations at Children's hospital tomorrow. It will be interesting to see how far he has come over the summer. He had a lot of goals this summer and accomplished all of them except for the monkey bars. I think they will come with time. He is now able to ride his two wheeler, tie his shoes, do the buttons on his shirts or pants, skip, pump on a swing, and skate. We had an amazing summer with the help from his OT Mary! She was such a blessing to us! Parker is starting baseball in a week. It is a short 6 weeks session, so it should give us an idea on if he likes it or not.

James is gone until late Wednesday night. Now that is partner has left, he has to go out of town so much more than usual. It is hard on the family. The one night trips aren't bad, but when you have more than one night the kids seem to sense it and act up a bit. The joys of being a stay at home mom. Owen was asking me today about his teacher. He asked me where she was because he wanted to see her. I responded by telling him that she is working. He seemed very confused. He looked at me with his hands up and said "But she isn't a daddy. Only Daddies work". Now I am on a mission to not have a sexist child and I point out EVERY woman that is working. These boys don't know how lucky they are to have a mom that stays at home.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

It drives James nuts! I see people just hanging around enjoying themselves and I wonder how they have time to do that??!!??
Now, those of you who know me well, realize that I have to stay busy (ALL THE TIME). I swear I would be ADHD by today's medical standards. It drives me nuts that James could just sit and hang out for hours at a time. I need a plan of action. I suppose that is why we balance each other so well. He pulls me back, when I need to be pulled back. I push him forward, when he needs to be pushed forward. It works well! It will be 10 years on Thusday. I never imagined I would be with anyone for so long!

Owen went to his open house today at Happy Valley. He met his teachers and some new friends. He was very happy to see Ellah and Ethan there. I can see it being a great year at preschool. He was having so much fun he didn't want to leave. I remember when Parker started... he didn't want to leave my side. I still find myself asking the question: How did I have two such different children?

Parker is almost done with karate. He has decided to take a break and try something different. He went this morning to his last sparring class. He had fun... but he never really went into details about why he had a huge red mark on his face. He must have been hit hard! He is enjoying first grade and seems to love the recess.

On the way home from lunch, Sweet Tomatoes (yummy!), I was just listening to the boys in the car talking about stinky feet. "Do you want to smell my feet?" the other would reply "Your feet stink"... blah blah... Then Owen proceeded to take off his boots and ask people to smell them. Of course James jumps in smelling Owen's rain boots. It was then that I thought to myself.... I live in a house full of gross boys! I know it was apparent before.... BUT Owen was just a little guy. Now he is obsessed with being a "Stinky Hockey Player". What is it with boys and being gross and boogers and poop? It really doesn't end when they grow up. James was smelling the boot in the car and laughing....

I think I need some girl time. Anyone up for a good dinner and a movie???

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The First Day of School

It is very quiet here today. Asia, Lisa and Fernando left early this morning for the first day of school. James went into work late so that he could take Parker to school with me. It is his first day of all day at school. I can't believe he is already in first grade. It seems like yesterday he was my little baby... He seemed a bit nervous but excited to see old friends and his new teacher Ms Douglass. We packed him a lunch, but I never did find out if he needed a snack or not. Owen wanted to take his new backpack with him too. He is still at his pre-pre-school program until Thursday. Next week he will start Happy Valley and be in the peanut classroom.

It is very calming to get back to our usual routine. I went grocery shopping without any kids YEAH!! I have some cleaning time now to get the house back to the way it should be. When the kids are home they leave stuff EVERYWHERE, it drives me nuts!

Parker looking at his desk. He was so excited that it was all his own! This was on back to school night at the ice cream social.

The boys on the walk to the classroom. I get one of these shots every year. That way I will be able to see how tall they are getting compared to James.

Parker trying to look cool. His friend Jackson is right next to him.

Parker on his walk into the classroom for the first time. That is his teacher Ms Douglass. It is a Darth Vader backpack.... as I recall he had one of those last year too! What is it with boys and Star Wars??

UPDATE: Parker had an AWESOME day! He came home laughing and smiling. It was nice to see (what was I so stressed about??). He used to have this friend, when he was 3, in preschool named Marina. He used to say she was his girl friend and that he wanted to marry her. Well, now she is in his class. We haven't seen her in 3 years!! Also, Brianna, a friend from karate, now attends his school. He was VERY happy to see her, and I think she was happy to see him, since she is new to the school it always helps to see a familiar face!

Monday, August 11, 2008

What a busy weekend!

This was our last weekend before school starts. James called in sick on Friday so we got to hang out a little and have some fun. Parker, Owen and I went swimming in the morning with Lisa and the boys. Thanks for the great morning! It was so much fun. I loved hearing all about the new house (very jealous of the private lake!!!). That night we went to the family night at the YMCA. The kids all got to make their own ice cream sundaes, jump in the bounce house, get some fun face painting and toss water balloons! We went skating afterwards with all the kids from the party. It was a lot of fun!

On Saturday we bought the rest of the much needed school supplies. Parker had karate in the morning and Lisa and Fernando were on a visit with their mom. We were planning on taking Owen to Stick and Puck at the YMCA. I was told that it would be really calm and just parents and kids on the ice. Parker and I were planning to shoot hoops in the gym until he begged for some hockey equipment so he could play on the ice too. We caved (AGAIN!!) and got him some gear. It was WAY more fun with him out there anyways. James was pissed when he got there. I guess 25 teenagers or so decided that it was their time for a drop in game. Pucks were flying... It was crazy out there. I didn't even want to sit in the stands, it wasn't safe!!! Owen and Parker didn't even care. They went out on the ice and had fun shooting the puck in net. James was giving me the "your going to pay for this" look. It all turned out okay though, no one was hurt!

Sunday we found out that our hot water heater had been leaking. Everything under the stairs was soaked, and even the carpet in the rec room was a bit wet. We spent most of the day cleaning and trying to get things back to normal! Then it was off to skating lessons and the Try Hockey! Owen was so happy to see his skating teacher. He was talking about her all night long! What a special talent that woman has! I go crazy trying to teach that little boy anything. She makes it look so easy.

I am tired! School starts tomorrow. I am still feeling teary about Parker starting school full day. I am sure he will be fine. He got a post card from his teacher in the mail. He was so excited to read it. He has Ms Douglass. I hope it is going to be a great school year! We have the ice cream social tonight!

I also finally caved and bought a new battery charger for my camera. I never did find the other one. I probably will find it, now that I bought one though =(

Our night at Try Hockey

It was a long night, but the boys had a blast. I think Owen reached his goal of being a "stinky hockey player", he was so smelly afterwards. He skated for 2 hours and was so tired. Parker had so much fun too! He said he wants to play hockey everyday! I wonder if he is trying to keep up with Owen??!!?? Parker is going to take a break from karate. I think he is tired of going 4 times a week and doing the same thing over and over again. I was hoping he would get his brown belt then move onto his black.... but I need to let him make his own choices in activities. It is very hard for me to let him take a break. I would love for him to finish everything he starts, but I need to honor his feelings and let him try something new. We are starting baseball in September, then we might try hockey... I'm just not sure about it.

Here is a little video of the evening. Parker is the big guy in the black and Owen is the little demon in the Canadiens jersey. He was causing trouble on the ice... but it was very funny!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Naughty Owen

Yesterday after our picnic, Parker went to karate with James and I came home with Owen. Lisa and Fernando were at the Rockies game with their baseball team (it was rained out though), so the house was really quiet. It was raining very hard outside. It has been so dry here lately that the gutters were filled with water. I had the idea to get some boats and float them down the gutters. Owen and I were soaked! We were splashing and chasing the boats. It was so much fun! I think our neighbors thought we were crazy. We came in and the first thing off of Owen was his pants, my boy is a nudist! I sat down for a quick second to check email and talk to my mom. I could hear Owen going back and forth to the fridge, but really didn't pay much attention to it. Then it hit me! Owen was taking out Parker's banana split cupcakes out, the ones that Parker and dad had spent all night baking the night before. So, I ran to the kitchen and here is what I found. Can you tell what Owen's favorite part of the cupcake is?? I did manage to save one, minus the cherry that was on top, but at least it still had some icing on it!

To answer the question from yesterday, Christine kept saying I would rather break the CD than listen to it again... Break it Break it... so I did. Then we sat there in shock. I couldn't believe that I did that! Neither could Christine. She was so mad! I ended up paying her for the CD but felt really bad and embarrassed. I think I was scared of what her parents would say too! I am proud enough to say I learned my lesson. That was not the most embarrassing moment I've had in my teenage years, as I am sure many of you know, but it was a low moment! I still am amazed that I remember it like it was yesterday.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Old Memories

Driving in the car this afternoon on the way from a good friends house (HAPPY BIRTHDAY DENISE!! I hope you enjoyed your cupcakes!) to take Lisa and Fernando to a visit with their grandma an old song came on the radio.

It was Bobby Brown's : Don't be Cruel

That song has many memories for me. I think I was 14, in Ninth Grade and thinking that I was gods gift to the earth(Man I was so full of myself back then!). I remember my best friend at the time: Christine.

We were at her house for lunch (I'm not quite sure why this is such a vivid memory for me...) listening to a Bobby Brown CD. Now back then in 1989, at least I think that was the year, not many people had CD players. I recall being amazed that you didn't have to fast forward to the next song. I remember sitting on the couch in the living room(the couch was blue I think) and playing the same song over and over again. It was driving Christine crazy! I think the song was Rock wit' cha. Over and over again. Then is when the madness began. I did something so stupid... I won't post it because still to this day I am highly embarrassed at what a jerk I was. So, Christine, if you are reading this. I still remember and I am sorry. It is almost 20 years later!! I would be very upset if one of my kids did that.

No more details. I wonder is Christine remembers this day too??!! Let me know!!!

Parker had his last OT appointment today. His therapist actually pulled out his loose tooth for him. Who knew she was a dentist too! I get very squeamish about that sort of stuff. Parker cried and then got a special prize, so he was happy.

6 more days until Parker is in first grade... I better bring the tissue with me to school! All the kids are going to a "Try Hockey" program this weekend. It should be fun.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Tremendous Tuba

Today has been all that I had hoped it would be. Owen had school. They had a sensory table filled with dirt and earth worms... REAL EARTH WORMS! Owen did not pick them up, but he would touch them. It was so cute, he kept saying "Goodbye Mister Worm" the whole way home from school.

Cindy, thanks for a great breakfast (I'm still full - no need for lunch today!). I enjoy the tradition of good food and great conversation. I am excited for it to continue on when the boys are at Happy Valley.

While driving out to breakfast Parker saw the Arvada West High School band practicing. He so wants to play the tuba. He saw the Tuba's and his face lit up. He didn't say much about it this morning. After Owen went down for his nap Parker started to draw some pictures. He came to me and said "Look mom, it is my tremendous tuba that I am going to learn how to play". I need to look into some sort of lessons for him. James wants me to steer him in the direction of guitar, or drums... something "cool". I personally say if my son wants to be a band geek... BRING IT ON! He is so dramatic and talented. I think he would make a great tuba player.

Anyone know where I can get tuba lessons?? ha ha

Monday, August 4, 2008


Okay I am a little jealous of all you guys up north that have a holiday today! I would love to have my husband home today and just hang out doing family things. In the US it is work work work.... No long weekends once a month in the summertime... No boxing day (the 26Th of December) off... and then there is Easter. We cannot mix government and god, so we work then too! I hope everyone is enjoying themselves! I heard from a friend of mine here in Colorado that just got back from Ottawa. She said that it is wonderful up there. I think we are on day 22 (or something like that) of 90 degrees or above. UGHHH

We are heading to the pool with a lot of good friends, I think I invited around 10 =) , then to karate, then hopefully it won't rain so we can grill some chicken. Owen didn't fight me today on his nap. He must have been tired after his gymnastics class! All the kids are registered for school, minus Asia, hers is tomorrow. So we are all set. I actually fell asleep last night before midnight. WOW! Most know that I love to sleep... so this 3 or 4 hours stuff was not working well for me. James would have to say I have just been very bitchy lately. Let's hope for another good night tonight.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Mullets, Birthday's and Attitude: Oh My!

I bit the bullet and Got Owen's haircut this weekend. Oh my what a mistake that was. From the advice of friends I took him the the Aveda Spa off of 64Th Avenue. That was my first mistake. I was really tired during the whole cut and wasn't really paying attention. I paid and left. I looked back at my little boy and gasped!!! MY SON HAD A MULLET. How the heck did that happen?? Now, maybe if I was a former mullet lover it would have been cool, but that wasn't my thing either. I know they are making a come back.... BUT no. My son will not have a mullet. So I turned around and took him back to the salon.

Upon entering the poor boy received looks of pity from numerous people... I felt so BAD. So they tried to fix the cut. They did the best they could... but it still looks bad. I am hoping to make his hair grow fast. Maybe I could try come proprecia (SP), or miracle hair grow... possibly Rogaine?? My sweet baby now looks like his mom gave him a hair cut. Actually, I think I could have done a better job. This is why I hate to try new styles....

After the hair extravaganza we went to Truman's 4Th birthday. It was fun. Owen had a great time. James took Parker to Jack's birthday at pump it up. After that we all met back up and headed to Ellah's birthday. What a crazy day. It was a lot of fun though. The kids were so tired they slept in until 8 the next day.

Today we just took it easy. Owen has been missing his skating teacher (so much so that he told me we should have the police go find her because he misses her) so we took all the kids skating to feed his obsession. Parker is getting good too. Lisa and Fernando are enjoy themselves and keep having races to try to keep up with James.

And now for the Attitudes. I can't post too much information due to many confidentitality issues but, Asia being a teenager is tough. I am tired of every life crisis being my fault. After the issues that happened this last weekend she has been treating people so poorly. I guess I am taking the most of it. It is draining. I wonder if I was this bad as a teenager??!! Probably! You know what they say about paybacks...

So back to the week. The last full week before school starts. We are going to keep things simple, a little swimming, a little fun, buying school supplies and taking it easy. I might even be able to organize closets....

Friday, August 1, 2008

It just hits you

It is crazy hot out today. I walked out of the house and it feels like I am in a different country. I believe we hit a high of 102 degrees. It is days like today that I am so thankful to have installed central air. I could not imagine my life without it. Parker finished off his basketball camp today. He did well and had fun learning new things and meeting new friends. Owen and I just hung out with Ellah in the morning. He loves that little girl. It will be cute to see if they date in high school. We ran into some old friends at the Apex today and hopefully worked out a time for everyone to get together. It has been a very busy summer.

We registered Parker at school today. We saw a lot of his friends from Kindergarten, and some new kids that will be going to school with him next year. He was excited to go back and kept wanting to talk to the librarian??!! He must really like her.

A pet peeve of mine.... I love my husband.... but please when you run out of deodorant... TELL ME... I promise I will buy you more. I am sick of you using mine. Do you really want to go to work smelling like fresh apples??? or even better baby powder??? Just a little note, phone call, text message, anything that you are running low. I will make it my #1 priority. Anything is better than finding a long hair on my deodorant. =(

Now that I got that off my chest... I hope everyone has a great weekend!