Tuesday, September 2, 2008

All Good Things Must Come to an End

Things have been really good lately. The kids have been good, well as good as to be expected, school is going well, work is going well, friends are great, family is awesome.

BUT: Like James told me last night, as I was a blubbering mess on the couch (I am way too sensitive), Life can be awesome but you have to expect a little bit of shittiness from time to time. So, this is my time for shittiness! When I was talking with Kalina this morning I think you said something like "welcome to my side". It made me smile. You always have the ability to make me laugh! Thanks Girl! Thanks for the pep talk and the help. It always takes a good friend to pull you back to reality sometimes. Your help this afternoon will be greatly appreciated and rewarded with what I have to offer: A big hug, a nice cup of coffee and a huge THANK YOU!! Hopefully, I can make it until this afternoon without crying again.
I won't really go into details on what is going on just yet. I want to remain composed and just put it out of my mind until later this afternoon. The standing joke around our house is every time James is out of town "SOMETHING" goes wrong....

Murphy's Law applies to our family. Is every family like this?
Let me quote a few:

  • If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong
  • If anything just cannot go wrong, it will anyway
  • If anything can go wrong, it will
  • Smile . . . tomorrow will be worse.
  • Everything takes longer than you think.
  • In case of doubt, make it sound convincing.
  • If you think you are doing the right thing, chances are it will back-fire in your face.

Now that I got out all the negativity... back to the Miss Susie Sunshine Routine.... la la la la la la..... James told me last night that if I wouldn't throw in a few sarcastic comments and negative thoughts now and then he wouldn't remember the person he married! It is true... but I'm trying to strike a balance with the positives and negatives! IT seems to be working.

On another note Owen is driving me crazy again. He is very much into makeup and looking pretty. He keeps telling me he wants to play with "girl" toys. I guess that is what happens when your best friend is a little girl! He was watching me getting dressed this morning. "Mommy, What's that" (pointing at my bra as I was putting it on). "It's a bra, girls wear them". He looked confused. "But I want to wear one". I was chucking at this point, this little boy had been running around all morning with my lipstick tell me he was trying to make himself look pretty. "They only make them for girls Owen". This is when the fit began. My 3 year old son, on our bed at 7 this morning kicking and crying that he wants to wear a bra too! If it were up to me I would have just let him wear one... James would have KILLED ME! It might have been worth the laugh though.

This is the craziness of my family! I am hoping for a good afternoon with the help and support of Kalina. I can't thank you enough!

More to come tomorrow

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad I read your posts in a backwards order because this helped but a smile on my face. I can't wait to tell Gabe ... this would be his worse nightmare. But too cute and funny for me =)