Sunday, September 21, 2008

Walls, Missing Dogs and Hockey... what else?

What a busy weekend. Not a fun one... just super busy.

James and I went out to dinner on Friday night. It was nice to have great food, my goodness I want to go back to that restaurant again, and fun walking around Belmar shopping with my husband. The kids were having fun of their own at Kids Night Out. They came home singing "Under the Sea" and with little dolphins full of colored sand (those will disappear very soon, who gives a 3 year old colored sand to take into the house??).

On Saturday we started to build our wall downstairs. We were debating if we should, or shouldn't, but in the end James won. It does look much better! James and I ordered in Chinese that night and played Risk. I haven't played that game in ages. No, I didn't cheat. Well, okay, I did! But I always cheat at board games, so anyone who plays with me knows this going in. It adds extra "fun" detective piece to the game! hehehe I still lost??!!??!?

It was this afternoon that we realized Clyde was gone. He is so old and just lays around during the day, we didn't even notice that he was gone. I called and left a message for animal control, no luck. The kids left the gate open so he probably just walked away. No running for him. He is 16 years old! We are so worried about him.

Sunday was busy too. We all slept in. I had a horrible dream about a fire and looking for Parker and Owen. I woke up to Owen patting my chest telling me that "I'm right here mom". I must have been talking in my sleep. It still gives me chills to think about it now. I took Owen to his hockey class and after driving half way there I realized his hockey stick was in the van. I didn't want to drive the 20 minutes back home, so that lucky boy got a new stick. He did much better than last week in his class. He really likes this one older boy in the class and has a lot of fun skating around. He is a fast little guy! After skating Parker, Owen and I headed to Mary's house. Parker had fun being the center of attention for once. He was shooting a video for the Juice Plus he is taking. His dramatic side was in full force and he did awesome. They are going to use the footage at the convention in Memphis next month. We have seen huge differences in both Parker and myself since taking Juice Plus. The energy piece is amazing and his asthma has not been an issue at all. When we got home I got a phone call from Animal Control, they found Clyde. James didn't want to go get him. He thought of this as an easy out. I personally couldn't see him sitting in a cage for the last few days of his life. I know Clyde is old, and probably won't make it very long, but I couldn't leave him there. So, he is here, eating like crazy and whining as usual!

Time to throw in a load of laundry and get ready for the week ahead. I hope everyone had a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Why do I remember you and Gabe ing James and I to play the most horrible game - RISK! Then you and Gabe lost and James and I were left playing a game neither one of us wanted to play.

I haven't played Risk since and I never will. Gawd I hate that came.

Jane said...

The best one was Bladerdash. I will not forget that night... I don't think James will either. He still laughs when I mention it!