Sunday, September 7, 2008

Garage Explosion.... Ouch my foot!

James was cleaning the garage all day yesterday. To be honest and admit my faults I am a pack rat. I can't seem to get rid of things that "someday" we might need and use. It is just that "someday" never seems to come soon enough to get it out of his garage. Out of pity for my poor husband I decided to help him out a little bit today(it also could have been due to his bitching and complaining too). What a nice wife I am, no need to mention that most of the crap in the garage is mine. I was sweeping.... man I hate to sweep, and I was picking up stuff from our garage sale that was in June(no need to comment I know I should have done it sooner). It is really a mess. I still can't stand to give away the crib. Owen's little teeth marks are still on it from his gnawing phase... (aw how cute!!). I even found this adorable little bikini top (who knows where this Hawaiian tropic beauty came from). I put it on on top of my shirt and was having a GRAND time trying to make this fun! James was bitching and moaning as he always does when he tries to organize the garage. I was singing and dancing.... with my Hawaiian bikini top.... it was about a girls size 10 if you can even imagine that (okay it was on top of my clothes....thank god... I might have been arrested otherwise) but the neighbors were still staring at me like I was crazy. Sometimes you just have to have a little fun!!!

THEN all the fun came to an end... I swear I broke my foot! Okay, it really isn't broken, but it sure felt like it was! I was walking the bikes back into the garage... being my usual bubbly and a wee bit clumsy self.... when the bike got stuck on something and the kickstand jammed VERY HARD into the top of my foot. I screamed some obscenities, okay so I am a bit on the wimpy side! I am a strong enough to admit that I am a baby when I get hurt. So, if you can picture this, I am laying on my back on our old coffee table, that is now in the middle of our driveway, with my "way cool" Hawaiian bikini top, whining with my foot up in the air.... My lovely, sweet and ever so caring husband went to go get me ice. We need not mention the words that were coming out of his mouth as he did these "wonderful" things for me. I can now, after an hour, FINALLY walk on my foot again. I have a bruise, that I know will triple in size within a few days... BUT I did get out of cleaning the garage!!!!

So the rest of the day is left for naps, lunch, try hockey (we will see how Owen does this time), finishing folding all that laundry and then family over for dinner afterwards. I feel great after just hanging out last night. The kids had fun at Kids Night Out, and I finally got to see Mamma Mia! I thought I would have to wait to see that one on video. Lisa, I thought about you the whole time I was watching that movie. I remember how we used to play the ABBA CD as loud as we could in David's car singing and driving everyone crazy! I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Oh and Vic..... I will call you tonight.... I have to talk to you about something!!!!!! It will be a bit on the later side though... around 9 my time, 11 yours!

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