Sunday, September 28, 2008

Weekend Fun

Owen doing warm ups! He is Number 3 in the red jersey.


Hi mom and dad!!

I am going to score a goal on my coach!

I SCORED!!! He was so excited... He skated over to tell us!!

Owen pushing his friend on the chair.

Owen's turn to be pushed!! He was smiling the whole time!

It was a nice weekend, relaxing with the kids. James was working on Friday night and most of the day on Saturday, so the kids and I hung out and had some fun. We went to the VIP event at Mr Goodcents, free food and firefighters, can it get better than that? Later that afternoon we headed to a park for Fayth's 1st birthday party. It was fun to watch the kids run around and hit the pinata. Fayth was so cute eating her cake. It seems like yesterday we went to go see her after she was born. Time seems to be going by way to fast, and that would mean I am getting older faster (I'm still recovering from finding the gray hairs).

Today we went to see Owen's hockey class and then out to lunch. Owen did great at his class. He had to push another little boy on a chair. James didn't think he would be able to do it, man was he wrong! Not only did Owen push the chair with the little boy on it, he was faster than I ever thought he would be! We went out to lunch at the Smiling Moose. I don't usually eat at new places, but this was amazing!! It was so fresh and yummy. I've had really good food and many different places lately... it is either better food or my taste buds are craving anything since I've been living on celery and cucumbers lately!

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