Wednesday, September 24, 2008

You won't belive what I found this morning!!!

This morning started off like any other typical school morning. Waking kids up, getting kids dressed, brushing teeth... changing shirts since they got toothpaste all over themselves... etc. I always brush Parker's hair and then spike it up in the main floor bathroom, then I take a quick look to make sure I look somewhat decent in the mirror. This morning I found something. Something that I have never found before. As I stood and looked in the mirror I found one HUGE GRAY HAIR. I am only 32, should I be getting gray hair already??? It was really long, how long was it there before I realized??? I plucked it out quickly and then thought, maybe it is just a really light blond hair. I grabbed Parker and asked him (I was still holding this gray hair in my hand shaking) what color the hair was. He looked at me and said "It's gray, no wait it's white...".


I tried not to panic, although to be honest I think I was on the verge of tears. I am not ready for this. I am not ready to be old. I have never dyed my hair.... Now I would have to start... so I was going over a million things in my head as I frantically searched my head for more of the dreaded "gray hairs" I found 2 more. I plucked them out. I know "rumor" has it that they will grow back 2 times more if you pluck them, but I just couldn't have them in there. Maybe they have always been there and I just never noticed. Where are my friends, my honest upfront friends, when you need them to tell me... Maybe I have more in the back of my head that I don't know about. I am going crazy!!!

On another note things have been busy around here. We are going to the Avs game tonight since Owen does not have skating lessons. That should be fun! Parker has his Limo to Lunch today. I had to buy cookie dough out the yin yang for that, but it was worth it to see the smile on his face. Parker was off of school yesterday so we took full advantage of the time together. We went swimming in the morning, then skating in the afternoon. It was nice skating. Parker and Owen were the only kids on the ice. They went out there with their sticks and pucks and had so much fun together. I had to bribe them to get off the ice! Normally, Owen is done after about an hour. It was a fun day.

I was going to volunteer at the school today, but with Parker going out to lunch at 10:30 for his limo ride, I figure I would come home and catch up on laundry.... I know you guys are all jealous!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh're not alone. I found my first gray hair at 26 - and I'll have you know I have a TON of it now!! Silver, lots of silver. All I can say is thank goodness for blonde highlights...totally hides it :).

I've been meaning to call you...been busy getting things in order for my visitor who's coming in 11 days!!!


Jane said...

I'm so excited for you.... I was thinking of the two of you the other day while driving in the car. "It's the final countdown... " (do you hear the music playing???)