Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The smell of popcorn

James is out of town again, is anyone noticing a trend?? Anyone who has spent more than 48 hours in my house knows that James cannot stand the smell of microwave popcorn. He doesn't let any of the kids make it, or even me sometimes. I am now taking advantage of the fact that he is out of town, AGAIN, and made my self some popcorn for lunch. Yes, you read that right, for lunch. It sounded so good I couldn't resist. I just got back from picking the boys up from school. I walked into the house... what a wonderful smell. I don't understand why James doesn't like it.

I volunteered at Parker's school today. It was fun, but I didn't intend of staying as long as I did. His teacher is nice, yet very strict, which I think is a nice match for Parker. After I was done I had to run and get Owen from Happy Valley. I was going to work out, but really didn't feel like it. Owen got upset, he wanted to go to Child Watch. He loves playing at the Y when I work out. He just loves the staff and all the children. I figured I would use him as my motivation today.

I am usually pretty particular about which elliptical I use. I like the third one in from the left. Why? It has the best view of the mountains! You can't beat working out while looking at the Rocky Mountains. Also, it is between TV number 3 and 2 which is always on HGTV and Fox News. Then I get a little dose of reality with a little dose of home renovation all while listening to great music. I am really enjoying getting back into my routine. I am going to start my cycling classes next week. I miss them, I just had to get back in shape before I went again. I might try the 70's cycle on Wednesday nights. Then grab Owen and take him to skating lessons after. Anyways, I was happy I went today. I got to try that Zumba class that everyone has been talking about. I only was able to stay for about 15 minutes, Owen was in Child watch and I had to pick him up at 1, but it was so much fun! Granted I am a much better dancer when there is alcohol involved. I looked stupid, but was laughing and had a great time! Next time I will arrange to stay for the whole class. I finally got the nerve to weigh myself again... I am now down 20 pounds. That explains what happened on Tuesday. I was walking out of the Y. I had my bag, Garin's bag, Owen's bag and Garin on my hip. We were crossing the street and I didn't have a hand for Owen to hold. I told him to hold onto my pocket while we cross the street and walk through the parking lot towards the car. The more we walked the more I noticed that my shorts were falling down. By the time I got to the car, one side of my shorts was about half way down my thigh. It is a good thing I was wearing my pretty panties that day! Owen was laughing... "I see your underpants mommy"... it was funny! No one was around THANK GOD! I am refusing to buy new clothes until next year. Hopefully I won't look like too much of a slob with all my baggy clothes!


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work Jane! You've inspired me to get back to the gym - I've been once this week - but I'll try and catch up to you - 20 pounds, wow! That's great - congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on all your hard work. Here I thought having kids could keep me out of the gym. = )

I also HATE the smell of popcorn. Thankfully so does Gabe. I think he lost the love affair after working at the theater.