Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sick... and tired... and still sick

Friday I had a great breakfast, with a great friend. It was nice to sit and chat for almost 2 hours!!!! Unbelievable! Right after that is when it started to hit me. My throat was sore, but nothing else was up.

James was upset with me. I was really mean and rude, and I am sorry (no laughing this time). He told me that he got a 75 cent raise, and I chuckled slightly, which really made him mad. It was mean. I was not being sensitive to you, and I'm sorry. Now that I am sick, I'm getting the cold shoulder, which is a real bummer since all I want to do is lay in bed and watch movies all day. I guess you get what you give.

Owen starts his little hockey class tomorrow. This opportunity just fell in our laps, and we weren't really looking for it. I hope it works out. We were just trying to sign up for Stick and puck, but they changed all the times. I really didn't want to be up and out at 6:30 on a Sunday morning. They know Owen well over there at the YMCA so they told me to put him in this class. He doesn't listen well at all, but we will see how it goes. I would much rather him be closer to our house, I hate to drive 20 minutes north, but let's see what happens.

James has been making many comments to me about my inability to sit still or be in the house for more than a couple hours at a time. After this weekend.... I agree, not that I didn't before. I want out! I just always have to be busy. I guess that is how I can handle so many children, they keep me going in circles most days, and it really doesn't phase me. We have a kids night out on the 19th over in Belmar. I like that one. It is short but James and I walk across the street and sit at BW3 and get some drinks and some wings and play the trivia games for 2 hours. It is fun and a nice unwinding experience before the weekend starts. The kids have fun too! Lisa and Fernando will be gone all this week for outdoor lab, that will be nice!

Tom we have been thinking about you. I am glad that you got a match and your transplant was successful! We think of you guys often, wish you lived closer, not that Loveland is far. We will all stop by to see you when everyone is feeling healthy.... you don't want these germs!


Anonymous said...

"75 cent raise, and I chuckled slightly"

Chuckled no you laughed out loud and announced to your friend how pathetic it was. Maybe I am wrong but I think anyone in todays economy would be happy with anything. But who knows...Thanks

Jane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jane said...

I don't ever recall the word pathetic coming out of my mouth.... But it is what it is! I am sorry... Can you forgive me?

Anonymous said...

Whoa, I don't know if I should be talking since the other comment has been deleted (if they don't like what you say...they are at you house demanding you delete messages). Just kidding!! Seriously, I was there and I don't recall the word pathetic. Now I do recall "way to go cowboy." Which might have been more disturbing to me than anyone. Yes there was sarcasm (no offense but I would have been a lot happier if we got any raise). But I think Jane was more in her smart ass mode, don't you cowboy.
"If no one hears from me smart ass or cowboy are out to get me!!!!"

Jane said...

Thanks Rachel! I knew I nevr mentioned the word pathetic!

Yes, I probably was in smart ass mode... it seems to take over my body and I just can't control it. Maybe they have a pill that can cure it?

See James, I wasn't being mean.... I am just very, very ill and in need of medication and healing. Can you pick me up some "smartass" medication on the way home?

(I am seiously thinking to myself... when will he get over this... I can only kiss butt for so long.... then I get bored!!)