Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Out of town again

James is gone again until Friday. I must admit the overtime is nice, but I miss my husband. I met him today before he left so that I could say goodbye. I could have done it this morning, but he left so early, like 5 am early, and I was not in the right mind set to give him more than a grunt. I brought him a surprise to take on the road with him, he didn't even want it. I had to chase this special thing down all morning.... okay so it was the darn dog that got out again and the only way I could get her back was to give in and let her ride in the car. I am just amazed that James didn't want the company. I can picture him riding with Lucy.... awww James... it might have been a good bonding experience!

Parker had his first baseball game last night. He did well! He hit the ball on the first try and made it to the base. He is so cute when he runs. I really don't like baseball. It is so boring to watch... yawn! He was having fun, that is all that matters. Owen is starting his swim lessons next week. We missed this week because he was so sick. I'm not going to take him skating this week either, he is still not himself yet.

Bunco is tonight. I haven't been in almost 2 months. I miss chatting and hanging out with all the girls. It should be fun! Maybe I can remember to take the camera and snap some pictures. Thanks for coming over today for lunch Rachel. I made my gourmet pizza, yummm! Let me know if you want to take those boxes of clothes off my hands. I am taking advice from some friends and starting to get rid of things that I do not need. If anyone wants to come over and help organize... feel free! No need to call either... just stop on by!


Anonymous said...

oh organizing ... I'm on the next flight...

Jane said...

ooooo goody! First, I miss you dearly, secondly.... I know how good you are at organizing!