Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I got a ride in a police car today!!!!!!

This week has been full of craziness. Before I tell my police car story, I need to mention that I think the elderly population of Arvada is going crazy. This is my third incident with elderly craziness in 2 days! What is going on??? Maybe there is something in the water.... will that be me in 60 years??? God I hope not!!!

I need to set the story up so that it is understandable. I have children at 4 schools here. Lisa and Fernando go to one, Asia at another, Parker at another and Owen at Preschool. My mornings are crazy but it usually gets off without a hitch. Asia leaves around 6:45, Lisa and Fernando walk to school and leave at 7:05, Owen starts school at 8:45 and Parker is the last to leave and be to school by 9 am. This morning was like any other day. Telling Fernando that he cannot wear the Guinness shirt he mom bought him (what mother would buy their 11 year old beer paraphernalia???) to school that day and to make sure and take a healthy snack. No, Cheetos are not healthy boys abd girls! They left the house and I began to get the little boys ready. I didn't have Garin today, since I volunteer at the school on Wednesday mornings. Rachel picked up Owen to take him to school. Parker and I headed out of the door at 8:45. On my way home I noticed a police car sitting in front of the house. Now my usual reaction to this would be to laugh and ask the very good looking, young, handsome officer what Derek has done now. He started to tell me the story of how Lisa and Fernando were assaulted by two elderly ladies on the way to school this morning. I guess one of the ladies asked Fernando about where Chris and Nicky have been. When Fernando responded "None of your business", the ladies proceeded to grab his arm (hard enough to leave a mark). Fernando pulled his arm away, then the other lady grabbed Lisa, leaving finger print bruises on her arm. I was shocked! We live in a nice neighborhood. Nothing ever happens on the way to school. I then got to hop into the police car.... I RODE IN THE FRONT... NOT THE BACK.... and show the handsome, young, very attractive officer where the only 2 elderly ladies I knew lived. It was short ride, but now I can cross off "ride in a police car" off my list of must dos. Did I mention that the officer was young and handsome??


Anonymous said... only could happen to you girl! What a day. Those old ladies should have known better than to lay a finger on those'll have to keep me posted ;o)


Anonymous said...

So what is those old farts? what happened? More details please.

p.s. any pics of the cop =)

Jane said...

orzcbzwNo pictures of the cop.... James was talking to him this morning and I thought it might look a little odd to ask them to pose for a picture =)

He might be back though..... keep checking!

Vic- Someone once told me that even if I try to avaoid drama... it will follow me EVERYWHERE... I guess drama and craziness is just in the cards for me. It keeps me on my toes though!