Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Happy Mommy = Happy Children and Husband

What a couple of crazy days! Things have been so busy around here lately. Owen had his little hockey class at the YMCA on Sunday. He did well! He had so much fun, and he was one of the fastest on the ice. I am very proud of that little boy. His listening skills were good, they got a little poor as the time went on and when he got tired, but he is still only 3. I felt much better on Sunday, thank god! I needed to feel better, things just don't stop around here.

Yesterday was interesting. James, for some twisted reason, thinks that all I do all day is chat with friends, go out to eat, play.... basically sit on my butt and eat bonbons all day. I was hoping to write a play by play of my day. Maybe then he will realize that I am running around like crazy most times. Well I don't have time for that. I tried, but I only made it to 9am and then realized that took me 20 minutes... FORGET IT.... I am busy James... get over it!

I did go out to breakfast with Cindy. As always, the conversation was fabulous, the food was wonderful and Bodie was adorable! We should be able to get this girls night planned out. Thanks for the help. I do think Thursday will be slightly better for me too!

I am trying a new approach to life. It is called if I do things for myself, I will be happier and in turn do more things for the children and my husband. I have been the most dedicated mother to my children for so long. Their needs always have come before mine. That is what parenting is about. I am now realizing that I need to fit time in for myself into that equation too. It has been nice. A hard balance, but well worth it in the end.

I was supposed to have the afternoon free. Kalina was going to pick up Parker at school and bring him back to me. Kalina called feaking out and told me her car wouldn't start. I ran to gather up all my children, drove (very fast mind you) to the school to pick up Parker, and then over to Golden to pick up Kalina and her 3 boys who were stranded at the school. It is at times likes these that I am thankful for my "sports car". I am not sure if all of you know but when I gave birth to Owen we just didn't have enough room in the Subburban for everyone. So we made the choice (OUT OF NEED) to buy a 12 passenger van. I nicknamed it my sports car. Luckily I have that. We all piled into the car and I took them home. When James got home from work we went back to pick them up and see what was wrong with the car.

Another reason I am so lucky: To have a husband that can fix almost anything!!

We ended up having it towed to our house and James will fix it today when he gets home. This whole ordeal took us from 5 to almost 8. It was fun to let the kids play. They never do get enough time with each other. I had James feed the kids something fast for dinner and put them to bed while I drove Kalina home and got some yummy Chipotle for us! The highlight of my evening (I love chipotle) was dinner and the great uninterrupted conversation with my good friend. Yes, so we were sitting and waiting for a tow truck, but when have we spent that much time together?? It was fun making the best out of a bad situation!

Then the surprise phone call from Vic. I think we talked for almost 2 hours! It was so much fun! It felt like we were in high school again gossiping and giggling like little kids! I can't even tell you how much I miss you Vicki. If that whole situation with "little Stubby" doesn't work out... I am sure we can go out here and find a man. For some reason they always flock to us when we are together! Just this time I won't be able to go home with that very attractive lawyer with the nice car... (he freaked me out... what was I thinking???!?!?!?) I can go home to James and the boys.

Oh yes... and to add to my elderly drama.... I got rear ended today. Yes, by someone in the over 70 population. The damage to his car was moderate and nothing happened to my "sports car". I think he hit the trailer hitch on the back. The kids were screaming and freaking out. Parker was saying he wanted to call the police... It was VERY funny, since we weren't even hit that hard.

I will share a piece of art work that Owen brought home from school the other day. He drew a pictures of what mommy does best and what daddy does best. Mommy is best at shopping and daddy is best at working. ha ha! That little boy knows us well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Owen's picture! Its funny how kids pick up on certain things :0P - too cute. It was a lot of fun chatting with you...I wish I lived closer to you too. As for my UK boy...I just don't know...but I'll definitely keep you posted on everything!