Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My Happy Place

Thank you Rachel for the reminder about my "Happy Place". I did avoid Target today, however Starbucks was stuck in my head. Okay so I went and order my latest drink of the month, a Java Chip Frappuccino Light. So yummy! I didn't have time to eat breakfast either running the O-Man to school and then Parker off to basketball camp (which he is loving BTW). So I decided to stop off and get a special treat for myself, as well as two gallons of milk... with the kids out of school we go through at least a gallon a day!!!

Anyways, I place my order. Then in hindsight I think about the new "diet" I am on. If anyone wants to try it here is what it entails:

  • Too busy to eat breakfast since I am running kids everywhere
  • Too busy to eat lunch because I am cleaning the house
  • Too busy to sit down because Owen is running in circles
  • Too busy to get a snack since I have to take the kids to Karate or baseball or swimming...
  • Not much to make for dinner since I have no time to go to the grocery store
  • I'll just have an apple since it is the only thing I can find in the fridge

With this diet I GUARANTEE RESULTS!!!!

So back to the story. My new diet got me thinking. I wonder how many calories are in this drink. So I ask Lou, the barista at my Starbucks, and she replies. "If it tastes good, it really shouldn't matter". HMMMM. It did matter to me. So I came home and got to looking. Mind you, I don't add whip... although I am usually so tempted and sometimes cave in, but this time I was good.

It was 160 calories. For a drink??? I guess thinking about it a pop would be more. But sitting back now writing this and drinking my Java chip.... it is WELL WORTH IT!!!

What a nice way to start my day. Now I am off to skating with the O-Man. I promised him yesterday since we just watched.... This little boy will skate 24-7 if I let him! I am hoping some good friends will come with us.... we will see!!


Anonymous said...

You are so strange - you move away from Canada to get away from the cold and then you spend the day at an ice rink.

Jane said...

Not by choice.... I really don't like skating. Now skiing... That is fun! Skating is all Owen's idea! When we drive by the ice rink he gets VERY mad if we don't go in and skate. It is crazy to think that this is happening at 3.