Friday, July 25, 2008

I should be sleeping

So, I should be sleeping. I never sleep very well when James is out of town. It is about 2:30 am and I just heard the little footsteps of Owen getting out of his bed and ready to climb into mine. Parker is sleeping with me tonight so I will have to fight for some bed space when I decide to head up to bed. As much as those little boys hog the bed, it is very sweet to wake up to hugs and kisses from them instead of a alarm clock!

I figured I would start this blog to try to capture the little moments that happen every day. It seems that life is going way too fast. Parker will soon be starting 1st grade, 2 weeks to be exact! I am excited for him to go off to school all day, but I will miss him. Owen is going to be starting preschool at Happy Valley soon too. I am not sure why I enrolled him there though... he has such a fear of horses.... and it is a farm like preschool.... oh well he is a very fearless little boy and it should be a fun and new experience for him. I think I will take the time I will have by myself when the boys are in school and start take full advantage of our YMCA membership. It should be fun!

I would post a picture but I can't seem to find the charger for my camera. I last saw it in the hotel in California....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear all about the adventures in the Trevino family. Please don't be one of those bloggers that only posts every other month. I know life is busy in your household but you'd be amazed at home appreciative us loyal followers are for just a few short sentences. = )