Monday, July 28, 2008

Inviation Only...

When driving to Applebees last night James and I were having one of those conversations that can never go right. It started out talking about all of our old friends. We were the first from his group to get married and everyone thought we were crazy.... Okay so to be honest we did get married for immigration purposes ( I am Canadian).... but we would have done it anyway!! So only about 50% of our friends are still married. Wow. What an alarming number.

Then the conversation started to move onto why people got divorced. Most likely cause: Cheating. Now, I am a very honest person. I believe if you want to be with someone else, let your partner know, and then move on. But, we got on the subject of what would happen if I were to make different choices.

The answer from James was simple: physical harm to the other man.

BUT WAIT: what if I cheated with another woman?

Once again those of you who know me realize that this is just talk. I have many gay friends but it's just not for me.

His response: That would be fine, but I would have high hope for an invitation.

Okay call me crazy but isn't it the same thing?? Cheating is cheating...

So in talking with a few other people today most agrees with what James said. Man, I never would have thought!

My husband is such a typical male!

Anyways I am off to my crazy night, swimming, Karate, and trying to get some of this foster care training done before tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Seeing as most of our friends and family are now married or have been for some time I am wondering who or if any will get divorced. I know statistically some of them have to and I know which ones I think might but so far nothing.

I'm thinking that is a good thing but not the norm. We had a bday party with a friend in Aylmer and most of the people that were actually from Quebec were divorced. Any they were all under 30. It was the weirdest scenero. While talking to the different couples they all stated that most of their friends were also divorced. Maybe that is the province making the statistics so high.

Just food for thought =)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane, it's me Rachel, thinking of your happy place(which also has starbucks)!!!

Jane said...

Yes Rachel you are right. My "happy Place" would not be the same without a Starbucks! I think I have some spare time today... the bigger question is do I have any spare money today.....???!?!?!