Monday, October 13, 2008

Pound puppy dashboard

While going to King Soopers today to get some groceries, I hate grocery shopping BTW, I saw a very interesting car. It was an Cadillac, white in color with a very interesting decor. All along the dash of the car were different miniature stuffed pound puppies. There was probably 25... NO JOKE... all the same size but arranged by color. This is crazy. Now bobble heads I could see... but not 25! This adds to my theory that as we age, we become crazy! I think by the time you are seventy you are reverting back to your childhood and becoming young and stupid... AGAIN. Hey, we were all young once, and made some stupid choices in life... right???

It has been a busy week and this week does not look any better! James will be out of town all week. I am going to change my workouts to the evening, that way I can have a break from the madness.... Madness being my children! James and I are planning to go out to dinner on Friday night and then go to a haunted house. The last one I went to was before we had Parker. I believe it was at Eltich's with Catherine and Chris. Man I miss you guys!! Did you have to move all the way to the east coast??? Anyways, it should be fun. It will give me something to look forward to all week.

I know many of you, if you haven't already, are having your Thanksgiving dinner tonight. I am extremely jealous. Every year James tells me he will cook just for me on Columbus Day (The Canadian Thanksgiving) yet it never really happens. Yesterday when some of you were eating turkey, I was at a great birthday party! Thanks Cindy it was awesome and the kids had so much fun! Tonight, when the rest of you will eat that yummy turkey, I will be at the YMCA working out... and probably having mac and cheese for dinner. On the upside, James said he will make me my "thanksgiving" dinner this coming weekend. I am excited! The catch to this is... I will have to make his for him and and the family in November. Those of you that know my "culinary skills" know that we might be eating KFC that night!!!

Back to laundry.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Original recipe chicken strips for me you