Sunday, October 5, 2008

This whole Hockey thing makes me tired!!!

It has been a very busy few days.

Ladies... Thursday night could not have been any better! We went to go see the show Girls Only: The secret life of women. Before hand we all had dinner, which was amazing! Good food, great conversation, news friends, and a super hard chocolate canoli that was less than desirable(I didn't need the extra calories anyways!). The show was very funny. I was very upset that I didn't get a parting gift that was thrown at the end of the show. Maybe next time :)

Saturday James and I went out to dinner and then to a movie. We usually choose our movies based on the time they end, due to having to pick the kids up from Kids Night Out at the YMCA. We decided to chose the movie "blindness". BAD CHOICE! I kept looking to see what time it was. I honestly think about 15% of the movie was a blank screen. I could have fallen asleep. James thought the gang rape orgy was somewhat interesting... hmmm I have to beg to differ. On a good note, we had Cold Stone on the way home. That always makes me happy.

Today was CRAZY! Parker was at hockey in the morning, Owen had his hockey class at noon, and then they both had lessons at 4. Needless to say my laundry sat folded on the couch (still is sitting there) to be done tomorrow. It was fun, but I just felt like I was running around like crazy all day. It is fun to watch the boys play. Parker is having so much fun. He really enjoys playing. He has two other boys from his class that are in it too! Owen actually made it through his whole class without losing his attention. He does get bored easily, I mean honestly, could you skate around your hockey stick for 5 minutes without going crazy? He did a great job today.

Another start of a new week. Halloween is coming. We took out all of our costumes and decorations tonight. I think we might have a Halloween party. We're not sure yet. James tried on this really cool ghost buster costume. It was skin tight and he wore it without anything underneath. I couldn't stop laughing. It was so funny. Something a sick old man would wear, for sure! I will try to convince him to wear it. I snapped a picture, but it didn't turn out.... bummer!

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