Monday, October 20, 2008

More gray to come

It seems like life is spinning in circles. It has been crazy around here. It always seems like there is something to do.

Owen has been testing us in every way possible lately. If I have to hear one more thing about "poop" I will go crazy. He has burned his hand on the stove (it wasn't anything bad thank god), James had to give him the Heimlich since he was choking on a fruit snack (very scary!!!!), he almost got hit by a car running into the road... Many, many gray hairs are coming, I can feel it!

James made me my first Canadian thanksgiving dinner the other night. I know we were a week late, but with James out of town all last week it just wouldn't have been possible. It was nice to enjoy the company of good friends and good conversation... even a little celebration dance for the eBay winning!!! The turkey was fantastic, the mashed potatoes (my personal favorite) were even better. He made pumpkin dip and fruit salsa with my favorite Cinnamon chips.... Thanks husband!! Now I need to put in order for KFC for you thanksgiving. I am sure it will be just as wonderful as mine was. :)

On Friday night James and I went out by ourselves. It is so nice to spend time alone with him. Tracy watched the kids again. Thanks Tracy!! We decided to go out to dinner and then to one of the haunted houses around town. Dinner was great, better than expected actually! The little Hispanic woman asked me for ID, then laughed and said "you look jung". She made my night!! I must say I felt rather old in line for the haunted house though. It was mostly high school kids and their parents. It was lame. The only time I was scared was when a bookshelf almost fell on me. Hey, that is my real fear! I am terribly claustrophobic, a little secret I will share with you all. So, I have come to the conclusion that a visit to a haunted house was much better in my twenties when I was drunk, than in my thirties trying to take a break from my children. It was a fun night though, thanks to James' great sense of direction we made it out of the maze. If it were left up to me I we would have still been there.

Lisa and Fernando are leaving on Thursday morning. To be honest, it will be nice to have them go back home. They have had some pretty trying behaviors that I have worked through, but they are still struggling. Now I need to prepare myself for the next group that will come. I am just going to wait for the phone call, instead of picking and choosing my ages. It just seems to work out better that way. I am secretly hoping for a younger girl with an older brother. We are lacking estrogen in this house!

We are off to another week with Halloween just around the corner. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. It come right after Christmas.... I would much rather have presents than candy!!!

Oh ya... I almost forgot... The snow is falling in the mountains... do you know what that means??? Ski season is almost here. Loveland and A basin have already opened... Now, I have to wait until the middle of November for Copper and Winter park. I am thrilled!!! I think the boys will do so well (James included). He told me the other day he was excited to go skiing this season!!! I have brainwashed him well!

"let it snow, let it snow, let it snow..."

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