Tuesday, November 11, 2008


It has been a crazy few days... don't I always start out like this? The boys are doing well in school, swimming, gymnastics and hockey. Parker lost one of his front teeth. The other one is loose too. I keep telling him to wiggle it so that he can sing "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth". He doesn't think I am funny. He keep drooling now too. It is so cute! I tell him it reminds me of how much he drooled as a baby. That little boy wore bibs 24/7 to catch all his spit. Maybe I should offer that to him now... can you imagine him wearing one into first grade. He would kill me!!!

We are starting to get ready for Christmas. We really need to shop early since we have so many kids. As always new kids to our house will get a bike for Christmas. I'm not sure what everyone else will be getting. We have decided to simplify this year. Our kids really do have enough toys. This year we are going to take all the kids for the weekend after Christmas to Winter Park. They have a tubing hill, and ice skating, and pool... it should be a lot of fun.

We are still in the process of finishing the kids rooms up. Parker and Owen switched rooms. Parker has upgraded to a Big bed... a high loft bed that he loves and Owen has inherited his low loft bed with the slide. We decorated Parker's room in a pirate theme BUT we kept everything easy so that way when he wants a change we won't have to repaint. That was crazy! We still need to repaint Owen's room. He wants a hockey room. Don't laugh... but his favorite team is the Leafs. I know... I am shocked too! He just loves them! He gets all excited when he sees them on TV. I'm not so sure I should take him skating back home with his Leaf's jersey on... I don't that is a safe option. We bought a 7 foot fathead of a leaf player for his wall. We have been buying hockey sticks to put up randomly around the room... and I need to get some pucks that I can stick to the wall.

We got a placement of two little boys the other day. They are adorable... I'm not sure how long they will stay. They sure are alot of work. Owen is having fun playing with someone his own age. He isn't jealous at all... no surprise there though!

Ski season is about to start. I think we will wait until the beginning of December to head up for the first time. We signed Parker up for ski school starting in January. He should have a lot of fun this year. I am hoping we can take Owen off of his leash too. James is terrified to let him go on his own. We will see how much control he has. He is so much stronger than last year, so I think he will be going down by himself after a few runs.

I also started to sell Juice Plus+. I am somewhat excited about this new venture, but I am really doing this so that I can buy mine at a wholesale price. It has made such a difference in my life, energy, body and mind! Not to mention that Parker and Owen have almost stopped all of their asthma medication because of it. What a nice feeling!

That's all for now.... I need to post more often. Time is a factor lately.... I need more hours in the day!